Awa Creates

Awa Creates

Review Type
Feb 2, 2023
notion image

TL;DR ⭐️

  1. Overall a good setup for a personal site
  1. What is the #1 action you want visitors to do? (Hint: hire you)
  1. Everything else is secondary


  • Initially, I did not realize this was a personal website. Thought it was an agency or a business. Make it more personalized as you are selling yourself.
  • Your primary goal is to get hired. That is your #1. Make that the focus and all the other pieces will fall into place.
  • Make your Headline about your skill as a programmer for hire.
  • You have a strong rating on Upwork. Make that clearly known. Show that you are available for hire through Upwork, you have a 5-star rating, etc.
  • Add testimonials. I see several great quotes on your Upwork page. Use those and start cultivating more testimonials as you complete client work.
  • Add information about how potential clients can engage with you for work.
  • Get rid of the Google Sign In button. Why is that there? No idea.
  • Change your contact button and links to say "Work with me"
  • Build a longer Work With Me contact form. Ask for more details about the project type, requirements, and budget. That will sift out anyone not serious and show potential clients that you're different than others.
    • Add a range of budget prices. That way you set the expectation for what it will cost to work with you.
  • Feature your Github account more. You have a strong-looking Github profile.


  1. You are for hire (make this clear).
  1. You have the right skills (what skills and tools do you offer).
  1. You are capable and trustworthy (you have worked for other clients and have good ratings).
  1. It's easy to connect.
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